Conference Archives

2009 Pediatric Bioethics Conference

The Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics at Seattle Children's Hospital hosted its fifth annual international pediatric bioethics conference, "No Longer a Child, Not Yet an Adult: Ethical Issues in Adolescent Healthcare," on July 24 and 25, 2009, in Seattle. The conference featured nationally recognized speakers in bioethics and drew nearly 200 participants from across the nation and around the world.

2009 Bioethics Conference Introduction

No Longer a Child, Not Yet an Adult: Ethical Issues in Adolescent Healthcare

Adolescence represents a time of transition from childhood to adulthood, from dependence to independence and from concrete to abstract thinking. This period of transition raises important issues for healthcare providers who care for adolescents:

  • Do adolescents possess sufficient capacity to make decisions regarding their own healthcare?
  • Should adolescents be permitted to make some healthcare decisions without the involvement of a parent?
  • What are the limits of confidentiality when dealing with adolescent patients?
  • How should healthcare providers respond to parental requests that diagnostic information be withheld from an adolescent patient?
  • Do adolescents with eating disorders have a condition that affects their decision-making capacity?
  • How should a healthcare provider respond to a parent's request to test an adolescent for drugs?
  • Should adolescents be allowed to participate in research without the permission of their parents?
  • Should parental permission be required for administration of the HPV vaccine?

Leaders in the field of pediatric bioethics will discuss these and other issues July 24 and 25, 2009, on the shores of Puget Sound. Come join us and add your perspective as we explore these ethical questions through presentations, panel discussions, abstract presentations and breakout sessions.

Below you will find the archived webcast presentations and more, so you can join in the ongoing exploration of these ethical questions.

2009 Pediatric Bioethics Conference Presentations

Day 1

Welcome and introduction 
Moderator: Benjamin Wilfond, MD
Tom Hansen

Asking the Right Questions: Implications for Adolescent Autonomy in Healthcare Decision-Making 
Presented by Douglas Diekema, MD, MPH
Watch the video  

The Adolescent's Role in End-of-Life Decision-Making: Ethics Versus Policy 
Presented by Lainie Friedman Ross, MD, PhD

Adolescent Decision-Making: Should Minors Be Allowed to Refuse Life-Saving Medical Treatment? 
Presented by Ellen Clayton, MD, JD

Staying Close While Standing Back: The Art and Science of Caring for and Respecting Adolescents 
Presented by Julie Giesy Metzger, RN, MN
Watch the video  

Adolescents and Performance-Enhancing Drugs for Athletes and Appearance 
Presented by Norman Fost, MD, MPH
Watch the video  

Panel and questions: Norman Fost, Mark Mercurio, Lainie Friedman Ross, Ellen Clayton 

Day 2

Welcome and introduction 
Moderator: Holly Tabor, PhD

When the Parent Is an Adolescent: Implications for Decision Making in the Clinical and Research Contexts 
Presented by Mark Mercurio, MD, MA

Secrets, Lies and Testing Dilemmas: Parents' Requests for Adolescent Drug Testing, Sexual Behavior Information Sharing and Ownership of Diagnostic Results 
Presented by Leslie Walker, MD

Adolescent Consent and Confidentiality: A Legal Overview 
Presented by Jessica Berg, JD

Confidentiality in Adolescent Health Care 
Presented by Abigail English, JD

Panel and questions: Mark Mercurio, Leslie Walker, Abigail English, Jessica Berg, Maureen Kelley 

Platform presentations of selected abstracts 
Moderator: Douglas J. Opel, MD

Aiming Higher: An Ethical Framework for Delivery of Care to Homeless and Orphaned Adolescents 
Presented by Maureen Kelley, PhD
Watch the video  

Concluding comments and adjourn  

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