Conference Archives

2017 Pediatric Bioethics Conference

Our 13th Annual Pediatric Bioethics Conference, “The Cutting Edge: Ethical Controversies in Pediatric Surgery,” took place on July 21 and 22, 2017.

Videos of presentations and PDFs of speaker biographies are posted below.

Friday, July 21, 2017 

Mistakes Were Changed: 40 Years Tracking Surgical Errors and Accountability
Charles Bosk, MA, PhD

Imminent Death Donation and the End of the Dead Donor Rule
Norman Fost, MD, MPH

Refusals of Liver Transplantation: An Ethical Analysis 
Lainie Friedman Ross, MD, PhD

Should Developmental Disability Be a Factor in Decisions About Transplantation Candidacy?
Aaron Wightman, MD, MA 

Informed Consent in Surgery
Aviva Katz, MD, MA

I’m (Tired, Crabby, Anxious, Stressed Out)…. Should I Tell the Family and Cancel My Cases or Operate Anyway?
Mary Fallat, MD

Surgical Innovation or Research? Who Cares and What Does It Matter?
E. Haavi Morreim, JD, PhD

A Conversation About Ethical Challenges in Pediatric Surgery
Douglas Diekema, MD, MPH, moderator 
Aviva Katz, MD, MA
Mary Fallat, MD
Norman Fost, MD, MPH
Patrick Javid, MD
E. Haavi Morriem, JD, PhD
Lainie Friedman Ross, MD, PhD

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Ethical Challenges in Maternal–Fetal Surgery
Ryan Antiel, MD, MSME

Navigating Surgical Management in Patients With Differences in Sex Development
Margarett Shnorhavorian, MD, MPH

The Role of Informed Consent in Goal-Directed Anesthesia and Surgery at the End of Life
Berklee Robins, MD, MA

Informed Consent in Pediatric Anesthesiology
Kate Gentry, MD, MA

The Surgeon As “Responsible Investigator”
Christian Vercler, MD, MA

A Surgeon’s Reflections on Love
Robert Sawin, MD