Conference Archives

2019 Pediatric Bioethics Conference

Our 15th Annual Pediatric Bioethics Conference, “Defining Moments in Pediatric Bioethics: Future Insights From Past Controversies,” took place on July 19 and 20, 2019, in Seattle.

Download conference speaker biographies (PDF).

Videos of presentations are posted below.

A special supplement published in Pediatrics features manuscripts from the 15th Annual Pediatric Bioethics Conference with an introduction from Drs. Aaron Wightman and Douglas Diekema.

Friday, July 19, 2019  

The Hopkins Down Syndrome Case: The Dawn of the Bioethics Movement
Norman Fost, MD, MPH

Who Is the Next Baby Doe?: From Trisomy 21 to Trisomy 18 and Beyond
Jennifer Kett, MD, MA

Adolescent Refusals of Life-Saving Treatment: Dennis L
Douglas S. Diekema, MD, MPH

Reflections on Adolescent Decision-Making
Lois Weithorn, PhD, JD

Conflicts Between Parents and Doctors Over “Potentially Inappropriate” Treatment: Charlie Gard
Dominic Wilkinson, MB BS, DPhil

Reflections on Charlie Gard From Both Sides of the Atlantic Ocean
Lainie Friedman Ross, MD, PhD

An Organ for My Child: Public Appeals for an Identified Child
Aaron Wightman MD, MA

Transplant by Twitter: Challenging Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Aviva Goldberg MD, MA

Risky Business: The Adolescent Transplant Candidate
Lainie Friedman Ross MD, PhD

A Conversation About Defining Moments in Pediatric Bioethics
Douglas Diekema, MD, MPH, moderator
Conference speakers

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Determining Death in Pediatrics: Jahi McMath
Robert Truog, MD

Jahi McMath: Lessons Learned
Maya Scott, MSW, LSWAIC

Panel and Questions From the Audience
Robert Truog, MD
Maya Scott, MSW, LSWAIC

The Suffering Child: Claims of Suffering in Seminal Cases and What To Do About Them
Annie Friedrich, MA

Parental Requests to Forgo Medically Administered Nutrition and Hydration in a Child Perceived to Be Suffering
Sara Taub, MD, MBe

Suffering and the Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Child
Tyler Tate, MD, MA

Ferguson v. City of Charleston Redux: Motivated Reasoning and Coercive Interventions in Pregnancy
Mary Faith Marshall, PhD